High Quality Mens Organic Clothing

Wholesale pricing available! Fill out our Wholesalers Account Enrollment Form to receive the list.
Made in the USA Mens Organic Clothing
Royal Apparel knows that comfort is one of the most important qualities associated with any garment. We offer clothing made from the most durable materials, many of which are Made in the USA. These garments are absolutely sweat shop free. You’ll appreciate our high production standards and high quality, eco-friendly apparel.
Check Out Our Catalog For Styles That Best Suit You!
Huge Selection of Apparel
Royal Apparel is a leading provider of mens organic clothing. With your business we can help preserve the environment together. You can make your own contribution by searching through our available selection of mens organic clothing. Apparel options include: tee shirts, sport shirts and more. You will enjoy a wide selection of private label and apparel re-labeling.
Nearly all of our garments are available for purchase in bulk quantities for low, wholesale prices. To get great prices on our apparel, sign up for a Wholesale Account today.
High Standards for Quality and Service
From the second that you place an order with Royal Apparel, you will begin to notice the quality and craftsmanship of our apparel. Experience the highest levels of customer service and rest assured that your order will be filled accurately and in a timely manner.
Begin a lifetime relationship with Royal Apparel, and you’ll be very impressed with the quality of customer service and superior products. We’re very confident that we can help you find exactly what it is you’re searching for, and we know you’ll come back to shop with us for mens organic clothing again.
Remember to sign up for a Wholesale Account and view our catalog today.